Only a couple of interracial back in the 70s and these guys were not so higher up.
High enough up so as to be driven in a new black Lincoln Town Car to the meeting. These cars were said to have been donated by a JW with a car dealership. I sat at the GB table for all of my meals and my congregation was near Central Park so enjoyed getting away from there a few days a week and getting out among those living a real life. The problem I had with the town cars is that we were told not to stumble others by making a showy display of wealth. I can only imagine what the Brooklyn Heights neighbors must have thought when they saw those cars full of humble servants of Jehovah,coming and going in their gleaming black cars. The other problem I had with it was the fact that your work assignment had to be at a certain level before you had access to a car and driver. If they were donated, why was it only a select few who used them? Those of us who did the actual work, certainly weren't included.
The sister I spoke of, seemed embarrassed about it as if she was some sort of "sell out". She was a housekeeper but her husband was in a position of "Bethel Prestige" so she by virtue of his position, she had moved up a notch or two. Her "fleshly" Sister was a Bethelite as well but was single so she was down on the street and out in the weather with the rest of us.
By gleaming leftovers from the tables at lunch ?
Pretty much everyone gleaned after meals so they had something to snack on later. I'm talking about larger rooms with views of the city, more vacation time, air conditioned work space, travel to speaking engagements paid for by the donations of others who may not have been able to travel themselves....and of course, access to a town car and driver when needed.